Specializing in Small Business

Leo Maher Accounting is a year-round full-service firm located in Chatham Massachusetts. Specializing in small businesses of all types particularly S Corps and sole proprietorships as well as individual tax preparation, tax planning, and bookkeeping on Cape Cod and Southeastern Massachusetts.
Small Business category description - C or S Corps, and LLC’s

C Corps, S Corps and LLC’s

Need help choosing a business entity?

Leo can discuss the pros and cons of different business entities and most importantly he can help you decide which entity fits your specific business venture.

Leo specializes in S Corps or LLC’s that file as an S Corp. He favors this business structure because of the potential tax savings these structures provide. If you have grown your sole proprietorship into a profitable and successful business, the odds are great Leo can significantly reduce the taxes you pay.

Construction, Builders and Trade Contractors

Construction Builders and Trade Contractors: carpenters. plumbers, electricians, painters, drywall etc…

Realtors and Real Estate

Content pending

Crew Members

Leo is familiar with the crew member's dilemma of not having the same tax deductions and expenses that come along with boat ownership. Let his years of fishing experience coupled with his knowledge of tax law ensure that you are getting all the deductions you are entitled too.

Boat Owners and Corporations

Leo can prepare 1099’s for the crew and can help get payroll setup for the corporate clients. Purchasing or selling permits can have significant tax consequences, come in and talk things over before you act, tax planning is usually the last thing you consider at the time but it could save you thousands of dollars.


Commercial Fishing

Leo’s firsthand experience in the fishing industry as a boat owner and a crewmember, has proven invaluable in helping his clients build their business, plan an exit strategy, and to ensure they pay the minimum amount of tax legally possible come tax time.

Our Goal

Our Goal is to ensure all clients pay the least amount of tax legally possible.