Social Security
You Paid into the Social Security system all your life, but up to 85% of your benefits may be subject to federal tax. Tax planning can ease the pain.
Retirees planning on taking IRA or other tax deferred payments should consider the implications it may have on how their Social Security is taxed. Sometimes a client may be able to defer partial distribution into the following tax year reducing the portion of Social Security taxed from 85% to 50% or even 15%. Come in and tax plan before making your decision.
Did you know you can collect on your spouse’s Social Security even after divorce? If you were married for ten years, are at least 62, and haven’t remarried you could qualify for spousal benefits. There are a couple of other prerequisites but you may be able to collect more Social security using your ex’s income history. Come on in and see if we can help you find money you may be missing out on.